The Best Staten Island Honey Can Be Found at Beezy Beez

The Best Staten Island Honey Can Be Found at Beezy Beez

Staten Island Raw Honey: Safe, Healthy, and Delicious!

Beezy Beez Local Raw Honey has something that big name honey brands lack- and that is nature as the number one secret ingredient that makes Beezy Beez Honey the honey it is! Harvested and packaged in Staten Island, Beezy Beez Honey is an all-natural, unfiltered honey made with care for the human being, as well as the environment. Bees are the source of our raw, local honey, and in Staten Island, we work closely with well-trained and licensed beekeepers who raise and monitor colonies of bees responsible for producing our raw honey. Special to Staten Island, every bottle of Beezy Beez is packaged and sealed with raw honey that remains unprocessed, keeping all of the healthy nutrients you need where they belong. Consisting of Vitamins D, C, B6, and B12, a spoonful of honey as a snack, or just a daily mid-day supplement, will replenish your body in the form of something sweet. To buy Staten Island honey, just take a stroll into our 2-in-1 store and cafe lounge at 3755cc Victory Boulevard and look and find a flavor that you like. You can also visit our store online at

The Staten Island Store

Our store is now OPEN LATE! Come on in:

Monday-Tuesday: 7:00 AM-5:00 PM

Wednesday-Thursday-Friday: 7:00 AM-8:00 PM

Saturday: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

Purchases online can be made in credit, while cash or credit is accepted at our Staten Island store. For sale at Beezy Beez, is a collection of our fancy Staten Island  honeys both CBD-infused and non CBD-infused, treats such as CBD cookies and brownies, skincare essentials such as lip balms, creams, and soaps. Please be mindful that when purchasing any CBD products, you must be at least 21 or older, and as we tell each other kindly, always bee responsible. 

Of course, we would not be where we are today without our best selling Original Local Raw Honey, farm fresh and ready to buy! In Staten Island, we make honey that is refreshing and raw, but 100% safe to eat! Raw Honey is safe to consume, all natural, and is not the same as store bought honey that usually has loads of processed sugars and additives. Beezy Beez is made organically, with everything you need to stay healthy.

Try Our Fan-Favorite, Flamin’ Hott Honey Made With Frank’s Red Hot!

Hott Honey is made from the spiciest ingredients, with raw honey as the main sweetener! The perfect mix of spicy and sweet, Beezy Beez Hott Honey can be transformed into a delicious wing sauce, topped on pizza or chicken, or enjoyed as a spoonful. I personally love spicy foods, especially buffalo wings, so when I found a recipe for hot honey buffalo wings, I knew my 12 ounce bottle of Hott Honey was going to good use!

For just $8.99 you can buy a bottle of Beezy Beez Hott Honey! 


Beezy Beez is Specific to Staten Island 

Locally produced and packaged, Beezy Beez Local Raw Honey is proudly made in Staten Island, a suburban New York City borough where families and local businesses thrive. Buying from local businesses can help businesses grow and give something to the community. As a small business with a passion for honey, Beezy Beez in Staten Island is dedicated to making the best batch that is possibly available. Beezy Beez Honey is always guaranteed to be:

-Farm Fresh


-Fat Free


-Never Pasteurized

Bee a Fan on Facebook and Instagram!

You can stay connected to our latest product news and upcoming community events and happenings by liking us on Facebook at Beezy Beez Honey and following us on Instagram at @beezybeezhoney and @beezybeezbrew. There, you can get a glimpse into our day to day activities and menu, and even see our customers smile! A Batch of Beezy Beez Honey is always coming in fresh, so stay join the hive to stay in the loop!

New York raw Honey: A Spoonful of New York's Beezy Beez is Super Delicious, Just Try it to Beelieve It!

New York raw Honey: A Spoonful of New York's Beezy Beez is Super Delicious, Just Try it to Beelieve It!

New York's Finest Raw, Local Honey

Upon the arrival of my order of Beezy Beez and Udderly Delicious products I was really excited to try all that was in my haul, and began noting down every breakfast recipe I could think of, where honey is called for. I opened my bottle of Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey, and poured it into a spoon for a taste. The results were something I've never had before, and I definitely felt a lot of health post-taste, when I compared it to another spoon taste of the store bought honey in the bear shaped bottle. 

There was a noticeable difference, for sure. Beezy Beez was the superior honey! 

Made from the Best Bees, Produced and Packaged in NYC! Find Out About Our Flavors

Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey is made from the hardest working bees, inside their honeycombs in New York City. What makes this honey so special is the amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that Beezy Beez consists of. It is a health-centered brand that enables you to have a taste for sweetness while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

A New York specialty, Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey is the honey you must get yourself familiar with. It is flavorful as it is sticky, and most of all, sweet. 

Flavors available are Original, Italian Truffle, Hott Honey, and more is avaialble in our in person store.  is the place to be when you are online shopping and would like a taste of Beezy Beez!

Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey is available in regular form or CBD-infused. You must be 21 or over to purchase our CBD-infused honey, and, as a reminder please bee responsible always! Our CBD-infused products have helped people with certain issues such as pain management and sleep. Whatever helps you best, but always be responsible when consuming CBD-infused products. 

Store Hours are Now Late Hours

Recently, due to popular demand and requests, we have updated our cafe and store hours. Beezy Beez proudly hosts a menu of delicious teas and coffees alongside our best selling New York Raw Honey for your enjoyment. If you want to stop in for a boost after work, or just want to chat with friends for brunch, Beezy Beez is open to serve you and your crew! Our new hours are:

Monday, 7:00 AM-5:00 PM

Tuesday, 7:00 AM-5:00 PM

Wednesday, 7:00 AM-8:00 PM

Thursday, 7:00 AM-8:00 PM

Friday, 7:00 AM-8:00 PM

Saturday, 10:00 AM-6:00 PM

Sunday, *Closed*

Stop on in whenever you can! It's understandable how hectic work and balancing daily life can get, and the crash we usually feel during the mid week when we look forward to the weekend, is when we need that pick me up! A dash of energy from a Beezy Beez brew or tea is just what you need! Check out our menu at to view our fruit and honey-infused beverages. 


Hott Honey: Honey with Lots of Spice

Hott Honey: Honey with Lots of Spice

Beezy Beez is definitely known for its original Raw Local Honey, but it is also known for the many varieties in which it makes honey; flavors that suit everyone's taste, sweet or spicy. That's why our Hott Honey is a big hit here in New York! Our original raw honey twisted with the savory and juicy Frank's Red Hot sauce, our Beezy Beez Hott Honey is a great addition for a variety of things from a baked pizza to appetizers like buffalo wings, and even Brussell sprouts- yes, brussell sprouts! 

I was never the biggest fan of vegetables, and while I've gotten better at eating them in recent years, there are definitely certain ones I definitely do not enjoy. I will say, however, I enjoy them crunchy and raw, rather than watered down, runny, and cooked. I really think that vegetables are more appetizing when they are raw and crunchy. Some favorites include spinach, peas (I will make an exception here, cooked pea are the best especially when a side with a nice sirloin!), lettuce, and carrots. I don't really love Brussell sprouts, but my parents enjoy them, so I suggested they put the Hott Honey on them. I'll take my Hott Honey on carrots, though! 

Other ways to enjoy Hott Honey are:

-As part of a steak sauce (great for dipping steak or lathering the meat with)

-Dipping sauce or wing sauce

-On chicken, especially grilled chicken

Hott Honey can be yours when you buy a bottle today! This Black Friday, you can buy Hott Honey for 10% off, at the price of only $8.99 when you visit our online store at 


Five Fun Facts and the Benefits of Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey

Five Fun Facts and the Benefits of Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey

There is wide knowledge about the benefits of raw honey such as Beezy Beez, but there are many things you probably do not know about bees, honey, and the work bees do in between the production off honey. These Five Fun Facts will surprise you, as well as make great story time the next time you go out and buy a jar of honey.

1. Honey is a preservative. Yes, while the sweet golden liquid of nature is best known for healing wounds and being a nutritious snack, for many years honey has been used as a preservative to preserve the quality of fruits and other perishable items, keeping them fresh longer without the risk of food spoiling, as fruits and vegetables spoil quickly when not stored correctly.

2. Honey bees understand adapting to survive, and in the winter, the bees form in a cluster, and vibrate n unison to help each other survive. This allows them to form a safe spot for the Queen bee as well as the brood bees. They work together to protect one another from the harsh temperature of the Winter season.

3. Honey comes in a variety of flavors, in a wide range from sweet to spicy to floral to fruity, depending on the type of flowers visited by the bees.

4. Honey has an eternal shelf life because it is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs moisture from surrounding air and retains it, aiding in preservation. Honey can outlast any other item in your pantry!

5. Bees are tiny, but very mighty! With their astonishing ability to travel at maximum, lengthy speeds, bees can travel for longer distances than one might assume. To produce one pound of honey, a colony would have to buzz and fly 55,000 miles!

These fun facts can create important conversations in a variety of settings, whether that be during a trip to the grocery store when buying honey, a coffee date with your best friend, or your group of students during afternoon story time. There is a lot to learn about bees and the things they do, and just how amazing they are at their job of making honey and maintaining a tidy environment. When you buy a jar of honey like Beezy Beez, you get the same liquid as in the store, but only Beezy Beez is raw and unprocessed, made with nature's help and free from the sugars and additives found in many over processed and commercialized brands of honey.

When you choose Beezy Beez, you get the same food product, just made with better ingredients! At our web store you can purchase a jar of Beezy Beez, New York's finest Raw Honey, made special to perfection in New York City! You can even come into our storefront on Victory Boulevard to see for yourself how special Beezy Beez is, now with late hours to suit your schedule and our customers! We are open on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7:00 AM-8:00 PM, Mondays and Tuesdays from 7:00 AM-5:00 PM, and Saturdays form 7:00 AM-6:00 PM. Come buzz by whenever you can!

Making a Home in a Honeycomb: How the Purpose of these Hexagons Contribute to Bee Health and Quality

Making a Home in a Honeycomb: How the Purpose of these Hexagons Contribute to Bee Health and Quality

What is it that keeps New York Raw Honey in safe, secure corners? Look no further than the hexagonal, golden Honeycomb. The honeybees, persistent at their craft and expertise in keeping the hive a busy place of production, rely on the honeycomb to fulfill their purpose in nature. 

When it comes to making Beezy Beez Raw Honey, it is evident that there would be no such thing as Beezy Beez without huge help from the honeycomb. Keeping things in place such as measurement and angles, the honeycomb ensures that there is a place for honey to be secured before the packaging process begins. Honeycombs are made from beeswax, a natural wax made from bees, which they use to construct the honeycomb inside their hives. Bees make their beeswax by chewing on some of their already made honey, which is digested and transformed into wax. The beeswax has a liquid texture, but when excreted through the honey bee’s lower abdomen, the wax hardens as it hits the air. After forming scales, the bees chain together in a process called “festooning”-  to construct the honeycomb. Festooning helps the bees bridge any gaps in the comb, providing the bees and the honeycomb with a more durable structure. 

A sturdy honeycomb is a healthy environment, enabling the bees to thrive and produce honey while protecting their biological well-being. Because honey is a bee’s primary source of energy, they need an environment that will protect them and not disrupt their function. Without the proper atmosphere, the honeybee species can be at risk. 

Honeycombs are used for storage. A single hexagon inside a honeycomb is called a cell. Each cell has a small opening where honey and nutrients are stored. Sometimes, these cells are used to raise the next batch. Honeybee family planning- or mating in animal terms- is unique to the bee species. Known as “brood cells”, the Queen Bee lays her eggs in them after returning from mating with a male bee. Incubating the developing honeybee, the brood cells are where the egg goes from larvae to pupa to eventually, a live honeybee. 

Aside from beeswax, inside the honeycomb is also RAW HONEY THAT YOU CAN EAT! Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey is found in the honeycombs of bees raised in New York City. Produced and packaged in a sustainable, eco-friendly site, Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey is the nutritious and delicious natural honey that you’ve been searching for, but have yet to find. Buying local helps a business grow, just as much as your knowledge on maintaining a healthy lifestyle does. Enjoying a spoonful of our Beezy Beez New York Raw Honey that you can buy at our Victory Boulevard store or online at, will give you an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to keep your body strong and stable. Care for our consumers is our top priority, along with the quality of our honey. Beezy Beez remains busy as New York City’s spot for the best local honey.
UberEats, GrubHub Makes it Easy to Buy Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey

UberEats, GrubHub Makes it Easy to Buy Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey

Online shopping has made it easier for you to purchase Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey!

With all of the advancements made in technology throughout history, nothing has made it easier to shop for food than with e-Commerce. Plus, with the Covid-19 pandemic changing the ways of how many shop for their groceries, and how often they go out, e-commerce and delivery apps such as GrubHub and Uber have made it easier and more convenient than ever. 

Think about today's modern, tech-savvy world, a place where as monopolizing smartphones are, there are pros to living in the age of smartphones. Food shopping plays a daily role in our lives and is a task that requires strategic thinking and budget friendly planning. For years before the existence of FreshDirect and UberEats, people mapped routes to grocery stores to complete shopping for food for their families to eat. Grocery shopping was, and still is, a time consuming ritual of everyday life that we must do, in order to survive. Thanks to options like GrubHub, Udderly Delicious, and UberEats, buying Beezy Beez Raw Honey just got simple, with no need to go out, ever! 

By choosing UberEats and GrubHub, you can browse our whole menu of honey products, coffee, and tea- then select your items one by one, and have them delivered to you in just minutes. 

With the presence of crowds and people not having enough time in their daily schedules to purchase groceries or go out to grab a bite in person, UberEats and GrubHub make it faster and more efficient for you to bring the Beezy Beez menu right to the comfort of your own home. Our Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey can be bought on GrubHub or UberEats, whichever platform you frequent. Or, you can order online through our official store were New York Raw Honey is sold: 

Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey is made in Staten Island, New York City. Beezy Beez is a unique honey that is not like any other honey you may have had. Inside Beezy Beez Honey is also a cafe, and this hidden gem has many coffees, teas, pastries, and more for you and the whole family to enjoy. For first timers, or if  it is reccommended you try Original Beezy Beez Raw Honey, so you can see what the buzz is all about! 

Try Beezy Beez Honey This Thanksgiving: Honey Glaze Recipe for that Perfect Turkey

Try Beezy Beez Honey This Thanksgiving: Honey Glaze Recipe for that Perfect Turkey

When you think about purchasing a jar of Beezy Beez New York Raw Honey, you might begin brainstorming how to incorporate the sweetest of New York’s local food scene into your Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving is a time for family, flavor, fall colors, and who could forget the main attraction of the day- Turkey! As I was browsing ideas for a honey glaze, I spotted a recipe that would be sure to be simple to fix and even amaze your guests. Everyone appreciates a good meal, and because Thanksgiving is approaching, it is best to gather any information on recipes now rather than later. A recipe like this honey glaze will help the turkey be the shining star of your Thanksgiving dinner!

Thanksgiving has been one of my favorite holidays for as long as I can remember, and my parents have been proudly hosting the holiday for more than 30 years, beginning back when they were newlyweds. Every Thanksgiving, my mom starts cooking at 8:00 AM sharp, and my sister and I await the food to be ready. For a while, we channel surf between the exciting Dog Show and NFL Football. When guests arrive, then I assume it’s time for appetizers- which are usually olives, walnuts, cheese and crackers, fresh fruit, or a smorgasbord of italian meats like salami and prosciutto. I try not to fill up on the tasty apps, because I like to save a lot of room for the turkey. It is custom in my house to cook two turkeys, one in the oven, and a second one in a deep fryer which is cooked crispy and golden. I watch and wait patiently for the turkey to be ready. It’s my favorite dish on the menu, with stuffing being a close second. There’s nothing more Thanksgiving than sliced turkey topped with stuffing, drenched in the juiciest gravy. Yum! 

I do want to add, sometimes change is good, even if it’s for a little while. If you feel in the mood to change the recipe this year and swap your traditional turkey for a turkey glazed with Beezy Beez Raw Honey, following these steps will help a lot especially if this is your first time making a honey glazed turkey. 

To make the perfect honey glaze you will need:

1 Cup of 12 oz Beezy Beez Raw Local Honey

2 Cups of Brown Sugar

½ Cup of Dijon Mustard (Any brand that you prefer is fine to use)

2 Tablespoons of unsalted butter

2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar

Place your ingredients for the glaze into a medium sized saucepan over medium heat, and bring to a simmer by stirring nicely, breaking up lumpy chunks of sauce, so that the glaze is smooth and shiny. Once the turkey is fully roasted, handle it carefully out of the oven, and baste it with your Beezy Beez Honey glaze. Place the turkey back into the oven uncovered, for 20-30 minutes more. 

Thanksgiving is an important day for me and my family every year, as it’s a gathering of being appreciative of the memories we get to make in life, and giving thanks to one another for their presence, traditions, and unconditional love.

This Beezy Beez Raw Honey glaze is a new addition to your kitchen that you must try, and Beezy Beez New York Raw Honey is available to buy in 2 pounds, 12 ounces, or 1 pound. You can also try a honey glazed turkey with our Hott Honey, or our amazing Original flavor if you are new to our brand. To shop with us for this Thanksgiving, head to 

What is for Breakfast? Beezy Beez Raw Honey, from the Hives of New York

What is for Breakfast? Beezy Beez Raw Honey, from the Hives of New York

Beezy Beez is not like any other honey brand. It is a raw honey made in New York, from the best bees, adding a superior flavor that you might not find in store bought brands or brans that rely on mass production. Our New York Raw Honey can be added to many culinary delights, but when you wake up in the morning, the first meal you are thinking about is breakfast. With the help of our delicious honey, you can make yourself many different and quick to fix, simple breakfast meals in the comfort of your own home, having the convenience of online shopping to purchase your jar of Beezy Beez Raw Honey. Bagels, toast, and even a spoonful of honey onto your cereal- the possibilities are endless.

Our New York Raw Honey is made to perfection, having the bees closely monitored and cared for every phase of production. Before the honey, comes the health of the bees. It is a priority that only the healthiest bees are raised. Once the honey production has completed, the packaging begins. For sale, it is sold in our Victory Boulevard, Staten Island store, as well as online. 

Once you purchase a jar of Beezy Beez Raw Honey, you can spread it on a warm piece of toast for an easy breakfast before work and running errands. As humans we have a need for energy, and healthy foods like nature’s finest honey is loaded with the vitamins and minerals we need to stay awake and active throughout the day. 

As far as staying awake goes, you might want to have a cup of coffee in the morning. The energy from caffeine gives us a boost to stay awake and alert. One of the things that make Beezy Beez Honey unique is the infusions we make, especially in our brews. Our coffees are infused with our New York Raw Honey, unprocessed and lightly pasteurized, free of the additives and chemicals you might find in other honey brands.

Making breakfast in the morning is simple when you have your favorite muffins and some of our delicious New York Honey. If you want breakfast New York Style, spread some of Beezy Beez Raw Honey onto your next bacon egg and cheese, or just on a bagel of your choice. You can never go wrong with a New York Style Bacon, Egg, and Cheese- with a sweet twist!

Using honey instead of maple syrup is another healthy alternative. Instead of maple syrup on your next batch of waffles or pancakes, try Beezy Beez Honey on top of them. Honey can be spread on just about any breakfast food and, you just might find your new favorite breakfast.

To learn more about our honey and its culinary purposes, please go to 

Creamed Honey: Same Taste But With a Different Look

Creamed Honey: Same Taste But With a Different Look

As Beezy Beez is known for its signature New York Raw Honey, there are many things you can use honey for, as well as a teaspoon if you’re craving some afternoon energy. If you want to try something new from Beezy Beez this holiday season, look no further. To make a mundane meal such as breakfast 10 times more appetizing, try adding honey to your next bowl of oatmeal by using creamed honey. Creamed honey, unlike regular honey, doesn’t have the liquid texture or the pure gold hue, but it is still found to have every nutrient and vitamin as raw honey. 

Our creamed honey can be used as a topical ointment for aches, pains, and stiffness, as well as in the kitchen when making something to eat. Creamed honey can be used to be spread on muffins, toast, bagels, bread, and you can even pour some in your afternoon tea. Creamed honey has a pale golden color that kind of shares similarities with butter. Our Beezy Beez Creamed Honey is available in original honey flavor and cinnamon flavor, as well as CBD-infused.

Creamed honey is worth trying, so make sure to purchase yourself a jar or two. Other honey variations available are our Hott honey, Original, and Italian truffle. 

Our New York Raw Honey is made with human health in mind, and creamed honey is something you need to try as soon as possible. With its thick consistency and sweet taste, creamed honey is flying off the shelves fast at Beezy Beez. To purchase creamed honey for sale, visit  to get your delivery started today!

What’s on the Menu? Coffee and Honey

What’s on the Menu? Coffee and Honey

Beezy Beez Honey in Staten Island is nothing like your ordinary coffee shop. It is a factory as well as a hang out for not just coffee lovers, but also those who love to gather. A hidden gem located in the Travis-Chelsea neighborhood of the New York City borough, Beezy Beez is a coffee shop and New York-licensed raw honey manufacturer that is committed to producing the best flavors from the most natural of ingredients. The shop’s raw honey and unique coffee creations its menu advertises consists of a diverse range of flavored brews and variations of raw honey, appealing customers of all kinds, and, if you are a foodie looking to try something new, Beezy Beez is definitely the place to “bee”. 

Beezy Beez produces its well known original Beezy Beez Raw Honey, which is a fan favorite. Unlike processed regular honey, raw honey has nutritional benefits. On the question of raw versus regular honey, what makes raw honey the healthier option? Raw honey is all natural, unprocessed, and does not contain additives such as corn syrup and sugar. Being left unheated and unpasteurized is how raw honey gets its signature flavor and function. Raw honey is healthy honey, and can improve heart health and regulate levels of blood sugar. It has also been found to be rich in antioxidants, which give a person vitamins. Among the variations available to purchase include Original (2 Lb, 1 Lb, or 12 Oz), Black Truffle Honey, True Manuka Honey, and the trendy Hot Honey. With a handful of selections to choose from, customers will be able to find their favorite flavors and more. In addition to its raw honey collection, Beezy Beez has a menu of coffees to try whether you are inside their shop or on the go. 

With coffee being an important meal of one’s day for some, it is true that everyone prefers their coffee differently. Some like a classic, hot cup of black coffee, and others may just like theirs with milk and sugar. Some might not like any coffee at all- but that’s nothing to worry about when there is tea and lemonade! Signature drinks include the Skinny Iggy (an iced skim latte), the fruity and refreshing Berry Bossman, a honey-infused green tea refresher called “Tropic Like It’s Hot” which includes hints of lime and mango, and even the option most fit for the season- the pumpkin-spiced triple espresso known as our “Talk a Latte”.

Beezy Beez works busier than ever to provide its customers an experience they will never forget- combining the prioritization of health, and making customized treats that are fun and exciting for them to try. This tiny coffee shop has an expansive menu with a large amount of passion that goes into each culinary project- all from raw honey of the healthiest of bees. It is a unique spot that New Yorkers should check out, and see for themselves to “bee-lieve” how great their products are. By visiting our website at you can buy a bottle of our Beezy Beez Honey as well as other honey-infused products, home grown here in New York!