Thank God It’s Friday- and Pizza Night! 

For many, cooking becomes a part of daily life when it’s done every night, by either necessity or passion for the culinary arts. That constant rotation of Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday and so on often drags you, and when you run out of ideas, it can get frustrating. All of the sudden the calendar hits Friday- the day we all wait for as we anticipate a period of relaxation, recharge, and precious time with loved ones! It’s the weekend, you’re exhausted, and Friday night meal planning can be annoying when the debate of whether to cook or order take out heats up. What’s also heating up is Beezy Beez Honey! Beezy Beez Hott Honey is the flavor you need to fire up pizza night by adding new flavors to your pantry. Spread it on delicious chicken, a juicy steak, use it as a dip for french fries or celery sticks, and even top it on pizza! 

In my house, pizza night is a staple on Friday nights. We always order from different places, but there is no pizza like a classic New York slice that you know tastes exactly how a New York slice should taste. 

Beezy Beez Hott Honey can be bought on the official store website at or in the Staten Island store, where many honey variations and other products are sold. 

Pizza night just got tastier, and when you add Beezy Beez Hott Honey to your favorite slice, you will enjoy both the sweet taste of honey and the savory heat of all things you love drenched in buffalo sauce! I love spicy foods, and buffalo is one of my favorite sauces to use in a variety of recipes, especially comfort foods. 

Buying Local Honey Beezy Beez is simple! Head to our Staten Island store soon. We are open Monday through Saturday, now with later hours!

Late hours are:

Wednesday, 7 am-8 pm

Thursday, 7 am-8 pm

Friday, 7 am-8 pm

We are also open Mondays, 7 am-5 pm, Tuesdays 7 am-5 pm, and Saturdays 10 am-6 pm.

In simple terms, honey is a syrup. It is a golden syrup made from bees among a colony, inside of a honeycomb. Texture and taste make Beezy Beez Honey superior to regular honey. Regular honey is standardized, mass produced, and has a taste defined by sweet sugars and a process that decreases the amount of natural ingredients. That's why, Raw Honey takes the crown as the best of the bees' work. Raw Honey is all natural and fresher than regular honey. 

Our special Hott Honey is made with Frank's Red Hot sauce and all of your favorite spices, including cayenne pepper! You can order Hott Honey in Original, Truffle, or super spicy Stinger flavors. 

Hott Honey is available now- get yourself a bottle while they are hott!